
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

They say confession is good for the soul

It has been far too long since I have updated this blog. To be honest I have missed it. I have no reason for not blogging other than I have been lazy. Just pure lazy. Yes work has been busy. Yes I have been busy doing my own thing, but I am the queen of lazy. I can talk myself into curling up on the couch during the weekend and reading for hours in nothing flat. It takes me hours to talk myself into going to the gym. No matter how good I feel afterwards.

So now comes the reason for this post and my confession:

I have been slacking off on going to the gym. I have a lot of excuses for it, but that's all they are is excuses. It started just as a break after the contest. The 9 weeks of the contest were intense and draining. Especially getting up in the middle of my night to go workout. It was so nice to not HAVE to be at the gym. And it snowballed out of control like I knew it would.

So what am I going to do about this to make it right?

1) Keep on top of my blog. Blogging gives me a lot of accountability being able to post it and put it out there. Regardless of how many people read it.

2) Do weekly weigh-ins and measurements.

3) Make it a priority to get to the gym 3 times a week minimum. Post my workouts here and log them in to my trackers

4) Think positive thoughts and not talk myself out of going. No matter how tired I am when I get off work or get up in the evening.

I will also be updating the blog. I have added tabs for weigh-ins, before and after photos, and a few others. Keep an eye out for those in the upcoming days and weeks.


I also wanted to share this from another blog I read. Katie at Runs for Cookies posted this. Under Armour is running a contest right now and you should go check it out. The UA What's Beautiful contest has a lot of great prizes, but it encourages you to set goals and achieve them. Do you want to lose the last 10 pounds (or the first 10)? Do you want to run a 5K? Do you want to start lifting weights? Whatever your goal is set it!

My goal: To run a mile without stopping to walk!

What's your goal?

Have a great night! I am off to work!